Track Order

Track your shipment here: OR

We ship worldwide. After your order is placed there is a processing time of 24-48 business hours. Once your order ships a confirmation email will be sent to you to with detailed tracking information. Please note that while we don’t foresee any delays after the parcel has shipped these events may occur. Please contact us in the event our carrier is delayed and we will be happy to help locate the parcel for you.

Due to coronavirus (COVID-19) and cancelled flights, shipping time might take longer than normal route:

Estimated delivery time to US: 10-15 business days

Estimated delivery time to Australia: 10-15 business days

Estimated delivery time to Canada: 12-20 business days

Estimated delivery time to Europe and other countries: 2-4 weeks

Due to cancelled flights, the estimated delivery date is a little longer than you expect

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your order please let us know via or via the contact form and we’ll get back to you within 24 hours.